Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Game Reviews

I've got to say these games arn't that good. There were a couple of them that were good, but notgreat. some of the educational games had some good qualities about them and had a good message, but just wasn't that good.
I did play one of the other games called free rice and that was fun because it taught you new words and you got to feed hungry children, so you had some motivation to playing because if you miss one you don't get any food to feed to the children.
Overall I would say that the games are okay not good and I think I will create a better game than the rest.



  1. I like to play Free Rice when I can.

    How will your game be better? What will set it a part from the rest?

  2. Well, knowing my boy J, it will most likely be a very metal game, consisting of busty women, speed metal riffs as bgm, and lots of awesome. It will probably be blacker than the blackest black times infinity. Do it J. Do it to it.

  3. You have grammatical errors in this! Oh and i couldn't find the free rice game. =[

  4. Hey check out this game too. It's very educational and still fun to play: http://marketplace.publicradio.org/features/budget_hero/

    I look forward to seeing what game topic you choose for your own game.

    David Lowenstein
    State Director, Globaloria WV
