Thursday, March 18, 2010

Button Blog.

This was the most annoying and simple thing I have ever done, but I guess I had to learn to do it. It turned out that the button wasn't labled and I completely made a fool out of myself. the good thing out of this though is that now I can start making a game.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


The Ango-Saxons have some common ground with today's modern heroes. The both fight for whats right but back then they destroyed there enemies. Modern Heros today have morals and sometimes that can get in the way when defeating the villian.
The one huge difference between the modern hero and the heroes of then are powers. Todays hero's would totally destroy the Ango-Saxons if they didn't have any morals.


The Mini Game Project

The mini game project was awsome and I had fun. I can't wait to make my game. I did have a little trouble with the code at first but I did get the hang of it. I really hated it when my computer started to mess up and I had to start over. I did pull through though. I really nedd to learn to do more and try to make my game the best there is because I really bragged on my self in a previous blog so it's time to live up to it.
